
About Units
Units are the basic units in the game of Fluffemon. They bridge the gap between Garrison cards and Tool cards. Unit cards can be equipped to Garrison cards, and Tool cards can be equipped to Unit cards. These major cards should dominate your decks while also leaving room for other special cards.

Fluffemon Unit Gallery
Fluffy In Black     (In Stock)
Health: 200
Damage: 100
Traits: Mobile, Gov't, Fluffy, Fluff-fu

Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.
Martial Arts allows 1 attack before death.
Gov't units can disable a non-fluffy once for 1 turn.
A secret agent working for the government. Specializes in fluff-fu.

Fluffy     (Sold Out)
Health: 100
Damage: 50
Traits: Mobile, Fluffy
Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.
Fluffy is a fun pal who lives on edit: 88 Flufftown Road. His residence is a milk carton
Fluffy is the main character of Fluffemon.
Mr. Bolt     (In Stock)
Health: 75
Damage: 50
Traits: Mechanic, Mobile, Fluffy

Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.
Mechanics boost vehicle points when driving.
As well as a skilled driver, Mr. Bolt can also boost health by 100p when at the wheel. However, he's not so powerful when he is not driving a vehicle.

Pilot Cotton     (In Stock)
Health: 75
Damage: 50
Traits: Mobile, Mechanic, Fluffy

Mechanics boost vehicle points when driving.
Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.
Mr. Cotton graduated the Flufftown Academy when he was 9, making him the youngest pilot in the air force. Pilot cotton boosts vehicle damage by 100p when driving or flying.

Cool Dude     (Sold Out)
Health: 75
Damage: 75
Traits: Mobile, Fluffy

Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.

Cool Dude is one of Fluffy's best friends. He likes to be part of the action first.

Fortune Teller Fred     (In Stock)
Health: 150
Damage: 50
Traits: Mobile, Fluffy, Teller

Tellers inflict loss of damage with war weariness.
Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.
Fortune Teller Fred inflicts a loss of 50 damage to enemies. He discourages enemies by telling them of harsh futures.

Wife     (Sold Out)
Health: 50
Damage: 125
Traits: Mobile, Fluffy, Fluff-fu, Fluff-ate

Martial Arts allows 1 attack before death.
Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.

Wife is Fluffy's wife. For defense, she specializes in fluff-fu and fluff-ate. 

Puffy     (In Stock)
Health: 100
Damage: 50
Traits: Mobile, Fluffy, Asthma

Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.
With Asthma, Puffy can be equipped with a Puffer.
 Puffy has asthma. She now has a new hairdo. She can be equipped with a Puffer to calm down her asthma.

Juanita     (In Stock)
Health: 100
Damage: 40
Traits: Mobile, Fluffy

Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.

She doesn't talk very much, but she is pretty good at fending off other fluffies. How does she do it? She has the power to change other fluffies' names to Juanita.

Happybot     (In Stock)
Health: 200
Damage: 100
Traits: Mobile, Robot

Robots are resistant to war weariness.

This is Happybot. a fun robot. Robots are inexpensive and are resistant to war-weariness.

Jumpy Jumperbot     (In Stock)
Health: 300
Damage: 75
Trait: Mobile, Robot

Robots are resistant to war weariness.

This Jumpy Jumperbot is a formidable opponent when it comes to Fluffemon card games. This robot can zap enemies with powerful electricity.

Pylonex Fighter     (In Stock)
Health: 300
Damage: 100
Traits: Mobile, Fighter, Robot

Robots are resistant to war weariness.
Fighters can only battle with non-fluffies.

The Pylonex Fighter is bubble-powered and is handy when scouting. Fighters can only attack or be attacked by non-fluffies.

Blob Cannon S24     (In Stock)
Health: 300
Damage: 100
Traits: Immobile, Blob Cannon

Immobile units can't attack other immobiles.
Can be equipped with blobs.

The Blob Cannon S24 can be equipped with two blobs for maximum efficiency.

Fluffington     (In Stock)
Health: 80
Damage: 70
Traits: Mobile, Fluffy

Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.

Fluffington is wise in battle. He can lower a player's health by telling lame and boring stories.

Carl     (In Stock)
Health: 100
Damage: 75
Traits: Mobile, Fluffy

Fluffies allow 2 attacks per turn.

Yeah, I know what you're saying, he's a nerd, what can he do? Well, he fights with overall knowledge and his inner anger.